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 العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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د علاءمرتضي

عدد المساهمات : 17998
السٌّمعَة : 40
العمر : 58
الجنس : ذكر

الأوسمة : العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 11100010

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full   العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full I_icon_minitimeالخميس ديسمبر 24, 2009 9:59 am

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 11afreg
العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 2yux5pl

Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810
Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 1rvpyw

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 2re6srt
برنامج Winamp الشهير مشغل الملتيميديا الأشهر ... تخصصه الصويتيات طبعا ويميزه انه شامل لصيغ الصوت وخفته وأيضا كثرة الخيارات والاعدادات فيه وميزة تغيير شكله حسب ذوقك وأيضا تركيب الملحقات فيه ... متوافق مع كل إصدارات ويندوز وهذي قائمة الصيغ اللي يشغلها : AAC , it , mod , nst , stm , AIF , itz , MP1 , NSV , stz , AIFF , KAR , MP2 , OGG , ult , amf , M2V , MP3 , okt , VLB , APL , m3u , mp3 , pls , VOC , ASF , M4A , MP4 , ptm , WAV , AU , mdz , MPEG , RMI , WMA , AVI , MID MPG , s3m , WMV , CDA , MIDI , mtm , s3z , xm , far , MIZ , NSA , SND , xmz
================================================== =======
Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows.
Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.

Winamp 5.57 Highlights
• Native video support including the most popular file formats for H.264 encoded video (Pro Only)
• Unrestricted Audio CD Burning & Ripping up to 48x
• MP3 Encoding - the industry leading format
• High Quality Bitrate AACPlus Encoding (twice the quality of the free version).
• Help fund continued product development & innovation.
• Buy tickets, find lyrics, & download music directly from your media player
• Windows 7 Compliant
• Winamp OrglerTM lets you track, chart and share your Winamp listening history
• iTunes Library Import
• Find & manage Add-ons directly in your media player
• Available in 16 languages including Turkish, Romanian & Brazilian Portuguese

Changes in Winamp 5.571
* New: MPEG-4 video support for in_mp4 & in_flv (Winamp Pro only)
* New: [in_avi] Native AVI video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
* New: [in_mkv] Matroska MKV video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
* New: [ml_addons] Browser for discovering new skins & plugins
* New: Winamp detection browser plugins for IE & Firefox
* Improved: Direct3D video rendering
* Improved: Filetype association handling on Vista & Windows 7
* Improved: New fullscreen video OSD
* Improved: Added ReplayGain Preamp control to Prefs (previously .ini only)
* Improved: VU meter (beat vis) optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ff] Multithreaded <AlbumArt/> object
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] Tag support for Organization field as Publisher
* Improved: [in_flv] AAC, aacPlus & ADPCM audio support in FLV files
* Improved: [in_mp4] Support for aacPlus parametric stereo in mp4 container
* Improved: [in_nsv] Native h.264 decoding (Winamp Pro only)
* Improved: [in_wave] Unicode filename handling
* Improved: [ml_history] Play Offset feature for resuming playback of podcasts
* Improved: [ml_local] Director & Producer fields & columns for videos
* Improved: [ml_local] Row cache for NDE to vastly speed up queries
* Improved: [ml_online] Right-click option to open service in new window
* Improved: [ml_wire] feed:// pcast:// and winamp:// protocol support
* Improved: [ml_wire] Option to automatically download 'x' most recent episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Redesigned Podcast Directory view
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Option to set paths in saved playlists
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 updated to use ns-eel2 (thanks Justin)
* Fixed: Custom mldb info reverts to filename on Alt+3 for in_dshow, flv & swf
* Fixed: Elevator installation and Aero compatibility issues in 5.57 on Windows Vista
* Fixed: HeapSetInformation not located in kernel32 error under Win2k
* Fixed: Shuffle feature broken under limited user profiles
* Fixed: Various other reported issues/bugs/crashes with 5.57
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Bold text in Local Media views on some systems
* Fixed: [gen_tray] Compact mode not working on 64-bit OS
* Fixed: [in_flac] Playback freezing before end of some corrupted files
* Fixed: [in_flv] Sync issue where video lags behind audio on some flv files
* Fixed: [in_flv] Various h.263-related crash issues
* Fixed: [in_mod] Heap overflow security vulnerability (thanks Dyon Balding, Secunia)
* Fixed: [in_mod] Some s3m files crashing on load
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Various transcoding issues
* Fixed: [in_wm] Main window & taskbar menu blocked after closing DRM browser
* Fixed: [jpeg.w5s/png.w5s] Security vulnerability fixes (thanks Nicolas Joly, VUPEN)
* Fixed: [ml_local] Remove missing files broken in full rescan
* Fixed: [ml_wire] feeds.xml sometimes being destroyed
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crashing with certain devices
* Fixed: [vis_avs] Compile issues causing some presets to not load properly or crash
* Misc: Improved Windows 7 compatibility, incl. aero thumbnail & taskbar integration
* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Misc: New info page for lang pack developers in About Winamp dialog
* Misc: New MPEG-4 video support adds h264.w5s & mp4v.w5s
* Misc: Renamed nsvdec_vp6.dll to vp6.w5s
* Misc: Removed gen_dropbox from the installer, for now...
* Misc: Right-click to close Notifier in Bento skin
* Misc: Some keyboard accelerator fixes (new Ctrl+Alt+B for Add current to bookmarks)
* Misc: Various installer improvements (including new DirectX version checker)
* Updated: aacPlus decoder 8.2.2, encoder 8.2.0
* Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.101
* Updated: libpng 1.2.40
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.7.1
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.3 & libogg 1.1.4
حجم البرنامج: 14 ميجا
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البرنامج متوافق مع All Windows
الكيجن مرفق مع النسخة البرو العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full Bananadance

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 294pd95
العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full Wol_errorهذه الصورة تم تصغيرها . أضغظ على الشريط الاصفر لعرضها بالكامل. The original image is sized 818x628 and weights 84KB.
العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full Jjnt4y

اثبات النسخه
العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full I6gysi

العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 28b9or5

Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810











العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full 28b9or5

Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full









الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
العملاق Winamp Pro 5.571 Build 2810 & Winamp 5.571 Build 2810 Full
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